"DESCRIPTION 1"="This options allows you to display the build of Windows that you are using in the lower right-hand corner of your desktop screen above the taskbar tray area."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="NOTE: This works on Windows 95,98,ME,2000 and XP."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="*IMPORTANT* Will not work if ActiveDesktop is enabled!!"
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"=" "
"COMMENT 2"="Thanks to Maxwell <maxwello@hotpop.com> for this setting."
"COMMENT 3"="Thanks to Pierre Szwarc <http://perso.cybercable.fr/szwarc/> for the Windows 2000 part."